Url Art of Resistance - Trinity Community Arts Release Form First name * Last name * Email address * Contact number * How would you prefer to be contacted in relation to your submission? * Email Phone Keeping in contact Yes Please sign me up Sign up to our mailing list to find out more about events, activities, news and fundraising at Trinity Authorization and Deposit Agreement: audio, print media, and video material Click here to read how we handle and manage your data The purpose of this agreement is to ensure your contribution is used in accordance with your wishes and relates to the following works: Please provide the title of the content(s) you are submitting below * In accordance with the Data Protection Act, researchers are required to ensure that permission has been granted by informants before publishing or disseminating interview material from which they, or anyone else, could be identified as individuals. Without your permission to use your recording, printed material, transcript or testimony for the purposes you specify on the attached copyright form, we cannot make them available for the purposes listed. Trinity Community Arts has my permission to make use of the audio/video recordings, transcripts, photographs, or memorabilia mentioned above for the following purposes : * For bona fide research purposes For educational use For broadcasting purposes For publication, including the Internet For public performance, display or exhibition For deposit in another archive on the same terms and conditions I wish my contribution to remain anonymous Other (please specify) Other: Further information: I wish the tape/transcript/testimony, photo to be 'closed' for XXX years from the date of this agreement (please indicate the number of years below) Copyright Assigning copyright is not for commercial reasons but to ensure that we have clearance to make your testimony, audio material & printed media available to future generations I wish to assign copyright in the material to Bristol’s Museums, Galleries & Archives * Yes No I would like my contribution to be credited with my name as follows: Content Submission Please submit your files (multiple files accepted) Thank you for submitting your content