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From the romantic poets to the Red Brigade, artists have for centuries expressed the importance of our connection to the natural world. This has been often executed against the tide of consumption and rapid, unquestioned technological change. With the threat of catastrophic climate change, the arts are again at the heart of campaigns to connect us to the natural world – only now with added urgency. Using illustrations from their own work, this panel of artists will discuss the ways in which the arts can push against public complacency, why it matters to them, and the role of the arts in calling society to environmental action.

Art of Resistance: The Final Frontier  

A two day festival talks, workshops, art exhibitions and performances celebrating, honouring and inspiring decades of protest and creativity in Bristol. This contemporary festival focuses on how the arts are a vehicle for social change, drawing upon themes of reclaiming the body, the mind and the natural and built environment.  

Resistance is never futile.   

March 5th, 2022 from  3:45 PM to  4:30 PM
Trinity Community Arts
Trinity Centre
Trinity Road
United Kingdom
Phone: 0117 935 1200
Event Fee(s)
Free Workshop
1 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
2 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
3 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
4 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
4 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
6 X ticket (FREE) £0.00
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