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What is meant by equality if the gender pay gap still exists? If employment practices pay lip service to work life balance knowing full well caring roles are unequally fulfilled by women? How do you navigate classism and sexism as a woman in society and in the arts? Three female artists draw on personal experience and reflections on their work to illustrate the challenges facing women in the arts, and how they have managed to take up space. Guaranteed gallows humour and brilliant insight.

Art of Resistance: The Final Frontier  

A two day festival talks, workshops, art exhibitions and performances celebrating, honouring and inspiring decades of protest and creativity in Bristol. This contemporary festival focuses on how the arts are a vehicle for social change, drawing upon themes of reclaiming the body, the mind and the natural and built environment.  

Resistance is never futile.   

March 6th, 2022 from 11:00 AM to 11:45 AM
Trinity Community Arts
Trinity Centre
Trinity Road
United Kingdom
Phone: 0117 935 1200
Event Fee(s)
Free Workshop
1 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
2 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
3 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
4 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
4 x ticket (FREE) £0.00
6 X ticket (FREE) £0.00
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