Web Site Lullabies Collecting Form Lullabies’ is a project that Roxana Vilk has been running as part of her time as a Resident and Associate Artist at Trinity Arts Centre in Bristol for the past two years. In 2020 the project was selected to be part of the Nationwide Here & Now project, celebrating 25 years of The National Lottery. We are inviting the public to share their own lullabies with us. We will collect all the lullabies together for a very special online exhibition in Spring 2021, details of which will be released in early 2021. First Name: * Last Name: * Email address: * Contact number: * Postcode: * How would you prefer to be contacted in relation to your Lullabies submission * Email Phone Keeping in contact Yes Please sign me up Sign up to our mailing list to find out more about events, activities, news and fundraising at Trinity Authorization and Deposit Agreement: audio, print media, and video material Click here to read how we handle and manage your data The purpose of this agreement is to ensure your contribution is used in accordance with your wishes. Please provide the title of your lullaby that you are submitting below and any background information. ie. where did you learn this lullaby? how did you learn it? etc. * In accordance with the Data Protection Act, Trinity Community Arts and Roxana Vilk are required to ensure that permission has been granted by you before publishing or disseminating material from which you, or anyone else, could be identified as individuals. Without your permission to use your recording, transcript or testimony for the purposes you specify below, we cannot make them available for the purposes listed. Trinity Community Arts and Roxana Vilk have my permission to make use of the audio/video recordings, transcripts, photographs for the following purposes : * For broadcasting purposes For publication, including the Internet For public performance, display or exhibition For deposit in another archive on the same terms and conditions I wish my contribution to remain anonymous Other (please specify) Other: Further Information Roxana Vilk is an Associate Artist with Trinity Community Arts. By submitted this content to us, it also may be used by Roxana Vilk in relation to the project. I would like my contribution to be credited with my name as follows: Submit your Lullaby now Please submit your files. The maximum file size is 500MB. Thank you for submitting your content